Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 2: Treadmills & Turkey Burgers

Today is day 2 of my weight loss & lifestyle change journey- and today is the FIRST day I worked out in this experience! That's right, yours truly laced up her Pumas and went to the gym (the one in my apartment complex).

The gym I have access to has a treadmill, exercise bike, and an elliptical machine. I'm not a fan of the elliptical (yet? Maybe I will become one) so I avoided it & stuck with what I knew. Here's how it went:

I took S in her stroller (which is a jogger BTW- I am hoping to pound the pavement in it more, but it's really hot during the day so it'd be better for evenings I think!) with a few toys, my water bottle, and my house keys. It was the first time I'd set foot in this gym- and I've lived here since October 2010. :S Anyhow, I hopped right on the treadmill & did a small "circuit" (I guess that's what it's called..). I walked for 5 minutes at 2.5 MPH, ran for 1 1/2 minutes at 4.3MPH, walked another 5, ran another minute, then walked for another 2. Then I did the exercise bike for 15 minutes at 9 MPH. Then my legs felt like Jell-o, so I went home!

All in all, I think it was a successful first day. I broke a great sweat & drank 24 oz of water before I even ate breakfast this morning. According to the livestrong calculator- I worked my breakfast off!

I'm having family over tonight for turkey burgers, salad & baked potatoes, so I'm going to go ahead & put all my totals for today, considering what I'll be having for dinner.

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 48
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1818 (burned: 268!)
6/8 glasses consumed (so far, I'll probably get at least 3 more in)

Hit the gym for 30 minutes!

Overall Feeling: Happy, relaxed!

I rewarded myself for going to the gym by taking a nice, long shower and giving myself a pedicure (minus the polish- that'll probably be tomorrow!). I'm going to try to reward myself in small, inexpensive ways for each workout, and I'm going to give myself larger rewards (although hopefully still inexpensive) for completing my first 25, 50, 75, and 100 workouts. As I left the gym today I told the apartment staff "I'll see you tomorrow!" And I plan to stick to that. I have an appointment on Wednesday so I may not make it in that day, but I am going to try.

Also, I wore a Curves Sweat Belt (sounds gross, is gross) during my workout today & I will probably continue to wear it. It's not this exact item but pretty similar: Mine has velcro instead of zippers, so mine's probably an older model or something. I'm not big on the thought that losing water weight is the best way to lose weight (because dehydration is a bad idea!) but I like wearing it for support. I had S via c-section, so I feel like things are still wobbly & loose in my lower abdomen. (Yes, almost 9 months later, it still feels "weird). I would recommend it for anyone looking for mild support after abdominal surgery- but not before your DR gives you the okay to exercise & your incisions are fully healed. Hot sweat + open wounds = gross & sometimes painful!

That's all for now, be well!

**I'm going to have to work on my late night eating & emotional eating.. **

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 1 of Weight Loss- Starting Out on the Right Foot (When you have Two Left Feet)

Well, today was Day one of my eating right/exercising plan!
Here's a quick recap.

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 43

Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1800

6/8 glasses consumed (planning to drink the other 2 before bed!)

no "specific" exercise done today, but I did accomplish 2 loads of laundry & maximum playtime with S :)

Overall Feeling: hungry, but happy that I'm getting started!

How I calculate my points/calorie goals: I think it's important to share how I arrived at the numbers I am using here. I got my calorie goals by plugging in simple information about my weight into the Livestrong program (See link in "My Resources" tab). I set my goal to lose 1.5 lbs per week- and Voila, my goal caloric intake was set for me. As for the weight watcher points, I used the exercise4weightloss tool (also available in "My Resources") and added 7 points since I am partially breastfeeding. (She eats 2-3 meals of solids/ purees per day now, so I don't get the full 14 for exclusively breastfeeding). There is more information about Weight Watchers for nursing moms on the exercise4weightloss page. I hope this information will be helpful to anyone else interested in either program- I am following both so I can see that I am properly nourished to create good breast milk, and as a system of checks & balances for myself- if I make myself track on both, I can always go back and add info into one if forgotten, and to make sure I'm being honest. Sometimes I have better access to my laptop, sometimes I have better access to my iPod (which has a livestrong app!)

So, I'm on target for both my calorie goals & weight watcher points goals, almost there on my water goal, and didn't exercise today. My goal is exercising at least 4 times a week, so that is okay- I have the rest of the week to get some exercise in. I didn't think much about my breakfast, and just ate what I wanted- which happened to be a bowl of cereal with bananas, a little sugar, and milk. I put more thought into my lunch, but in snacking today (Grapes, Strawberries, a granola bar, and 2 Yoplait Light yogurts), I didn't leave myself alot of room for dinner. Luckily I had a "Smart Ones" dinner (by weight watchers- super tasty!) and a salad with vinaigrette dressing. I am somewhat hungry now, so I think I'll have some more water & go to bed once I'm done with this post.

I tend to eat out of boredom, so I think going to bed earlier and doing this blog will help. I'm not sure how it will all go with quitting smoking- I typically chew gum or eat peppermints when I have a craving so I might be totally off on my goals during the first few days or weeks of quitting- hopefully I can manage & find time to exercise and resist the urge to smoke- or stuff my face in lieu of a cigarette.

For a little background- I quit smoking on April 1st and started back April 21st. I'm involved in a program that PAYS people to quit smoking and I am taking advantage of my second chance.. but I only get ONE second chance. This time it has to be for real, for life. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking of me as a smoker, and I'm sick of the smell & dirtiness of it all. I am really motivated to quit, I just had a little slip-up. The program requires a two-week waiting period before your second chance, to allow you to fully prepare yourself for the upcoming quit. I have the potential to earn over $3000, depending on some circumstances- but at least $650 if I stay quit for a full year. I'm very positive that I can do this! My motivation comes from many places, but I can't say I don't want that money with a PASSION!

Anyways, that's about all I have for today- Good Night everyone, and be well!

Blog Purpose

This blog will chronicle my (hopeful) weight loss & life change journey & all the trials & tribulations of losing weight while being a mom.

A little background: I am a Stay-at home mom of a beautiful little girl, let's call her S, and house-wife to my wonderful husband M. I am moderately active, but I've found myself over 100 lbs overweight. I am currently weighing in at 251 lbs and 5'2". I am a smoker (quit date is May 10, 2012!) but I am in otherwise fairly good health.

My reasons for wanting to lose weight (in no particular order) are:
  • To be here for my family for as long as possible- by losing weight I cut my risk of tons of diseases & therefore extend my time with my husband, daughter, and extended family
  • To encourage my child to live a healthy life and make healthy choices
  • To lower my risk of Gestational Diabetes for any future children
  • To enjoy being photographed
  • To prove to myself that I can- I have almost always been overweight & would love to see that change once and for all
  • To enjoy S's childhood- I want to be able to run & play with her at the park, comfortably play with her in the floor, and so on.
  • To feel more attractive (M already thinks I'm attractive, but I'd like to feel better in my own skin)
  • To hopefully improve my health- I have to take medication for asthma, depression & anxiety and I am also currently a smoker. I also have ulcerative colitis which I am not currently on medication for, as it interferes with breastfeeding. I'm hoping I can solve all of these issues by changing my lifestyle & being healthier & more active
  • To wear some of my old clothing- and to lose enough to need to buy new clothing!
  • To save money- I know, weight loss seems very expensive! But I have a gym onsite in my apartment complex, a great walking track, a park with trails, a Wii, and some free time every day. Those things will be free! It's not free to pay for my medications, larger clothing, fast food, smokes, and other medical bills.
So there's 10 good reasons WHY I want to lose weight. Here are a few goals I have in the process (again, in no particular order):
  •  Run a 5K
  • Weigh 175 (or less!)
  • Quit Smoking
  • No longer need asthma medication, and lessen my intestinal issues with proper diet
  • Work on my mental health ( I have a psychiatrist & therapist, I just have to put in the legwork!)
  • Take S to the park & swing on the swings
  • Exercise at least 4 days a week, for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  • Regularly update my blog, myplate, and keep track of my weight watcher points (I am counting calories as well, since I am breastfeeding and the point allotment seems high!)
  • Buy clothing in size 13/14 and L rather than 20/22 and XXL/XXXL 
I have many more motivations and goals, but I think it helps to see the ones that pop into my head first- those are obviously very important to me and I hope that visualizing them will help!

That's all for right now, I will be posting again tonight about today's experience- Day 1