Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 1 of Weight Loss- Starting Out on the Right Foot (When you have Two Left Feet)

Well, today was Day one of my eating right/exercising plan!
Here's a quick recap.

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 43

Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1800

6/8 glasses consumed (planning to drink the other 2 before bed!)

no "specific" exercise done today, but I did accomplish 2 loads of laundry & maximum playtime with S :)

Overall Feeling: hungry, but happy that I'm getting started!

How I calculate my points/calorie goals: I think it's important to share how I arrived at the numbers I am using here. I got my calorie goals by plugging in simple information about my weight into the Livestrong program (See link in "My Resources" tab). I set my goal to lose 1.5 lbs per week- and Voila, my goal caloric intake was set for me. As for the weight watcher points, I used the exercise4weightloss tool (also available in "My Resources") and added 7 points since I am partially breastfeeding. (She eats 2-3 meals of solids/ purees per day now, so I don't get the full 14 for exclusively breastfeeding). There is more information about Weight Watchers for nursing moms on the exercise4weightloss page. I hope this information will be helpful to anyone else interested in either program- I am following both so I can see that I am properly nourished to create good breast milk, and as a system of checks & balances for myself- if I make myself track on both, I can always go back and add info into one if forgotten, and to make sure I'm being honest. Sometimes I have better access to my laptop, sometimes I have better access to my iPod (which has a livestrong app!)

So, I'm on target for both my calorie goals & weight watcher points goals, almost there on my water goal, and didn't exercise today. My goal is exercising at least 4 times a week, so that is okay- I have the rest of the week to get some exercise in. I didn't think much about my breakfast, and just ate what I wanted- which happened to be a bowl of cereal with bananas, a little sugar, and milk. I put more thought into my lunch, but in snacking today (Grapes, Strawberries, a granola bar, and 2 Yoplait Light yogurts), I didn't leave myself alot of room for dinner. Luckily I had a "Smart Ones" dinner (by weight watchers- super tasty!) and a salad with vinaigrette dressing. I am somewhat hungry now, so I think I'll have some more water & go to bed once I'm done with this post.

I tend to eat out of boredom, so I think going to bed earlier and doing this blog will help. I'm not sure how it will all go with quitting smoking- I typically chew gum or eat peppermints when I have a craving so I might be totally off on my goals during the first few days or weeks of quitting- hopefully I can manage & find time to exercise and resist the urge to smoke- or stuff my face in lieu of a cigarette.

For a little background- I quit smoking on April 1st and started back April 21st. I'm involved in a program that PAYS people to quit smoking and I am taking advantage of my second chance.. but I only get ONE second chance. This time it has to be for real, for life. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking of me as a smoker, and I'm sick of the smell & dirtiness of it all. I am really motivated to quit, I just had a little slip-up. The program requires a two-week waiting period before your second chance, to allow you to fully prepare yourself for the upcoming quit. I have the potential to earn over $3000, depending on some circumstances- but at least $650 if I stay quit for a full year. I'm very positive that I can do this! My motivation comes from many places, but I can't say I don't want that money with a PASSION!

Anyways, that's about all I have for today- Good Night everyone, and be well!

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