Monday, May 14, 2012

Sick week!

Yikes, I have had a sick week, and I've been eating badly & skipping blogging! I don't know what it is that I have, but I've had some stomach symptoms, a sore throat, low fever & super, super tired. I weighed in this morning, and I weigh....

246.8  lbs. Even yikes-er... I've gained a little! I haven't been exercising, I haven't been eating much, but I had a pizza craving the other day that I fulfilled and I also have eaten lots of soups & grilled cheese. I am glad I didn't gain much more but I've got to get my booty back in gear this week! 

Hopefully  I will get back on track & have a better update tomorrow-- I have a busy week but I think I can sneak in a few workouts & eat much better!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 8- Heckufa run!!

So today marks Day 8! Awesome- over a week. I did OK today as far as eating- we just finished dinner & I'm bummed I don't have room in my points for dessert. :( Too sad. But I had dessert earlier today- my Mom brought over some honey dew melon, carrot cake & orange poppyseed bread. Yum.

Anyways, I realized I didn't put my points in for yesterday, so here they are:
Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed:  43
 Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1879 (not sure why the # changed- perhaps b/c of my weight loss so far?)
 Consumed: 1724 (burned :256!)
6/8 glasses consumed

And today:
 Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 45
 Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1879
 Consumed: 1879 (227 burned!)
5/8 glasses consumed. I'll make sure to get in those last 3!

Otherwise, I'm feeling great. I haven't had as much motivation this week with workouts, and it always helps me if some slender stranger is in the gym. I was in luck today- and I ran/walked a 17 minute mile- 7 running!! I was super-proud. I also walk to & from the gym so I count an extra few minutes on my walking on livestrong- usually 2 or 3 more. It was a great rainy day here, which I LOVE. Tonight M and I are going to watch a movie, I'm going to drink water & sulk while he eats a Skinny Cow. Haha!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 7- Weigh in & Weekly recap!

So without further ado, my current weight is 246.2 LBS!!!! That's 4.9 lbs lost in 1 week! I'm super proud.

M and I discussed our cheat day, and how neither of us felt too good for the next few days- stomach aches, gas & bloating, ick! Our next cheat day will be 5/20- we're going to try for every two weeks instead of weekly. And I think we'll just go out for lunch or dinner that day, depending on his schedule.

So, I'd like to recap weekly if I hit all my goals for the week.

This week's goals were:
  • exercise at least 4 times a week (Missed by 1 day!)
  • Get prepared to quit smoking (have 3 cigarettes left & no plans to buy more!)
  • Work on my mental health (have an appointment scheduled for 5/17 & another for 5/21!)
  • drink 8 glasses of water a day ( I hit this 4/7 days last week)
Overall, I'm pleased with my success so far. I am aware that all things take time to change, since it took time for me to get this way. I am happy I have made it through the first week & I hope to get even stronger as the days go by!

Today I have already exercised- I did 1 mile in 19:30, that's 5:30 running @ 5MPH and the rest walking about 2.4 MPH. Super! I also had an errand to run so I did that as well, which added about 10 minutes of walk time to my day. I'll post later to catch up on points & calories for the day, but I have a dinner party to prepare for!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 6- Cheat Day

So, today was cheat day, and also grocery shopping day.

We bought lots of fresh produce, several pounds of chicken, ground turkey, some turkey burgers, some boca burgers, and lots of granola bars, some rice, salsa, wraps, diet drinks- etc. We tried to pick some healthy snacks, and some fun meals. I'd say we're pretty well set on meat for the next 2-3 weeks, and however long the produce is fresh for!

Of course, we buy frozen veggies too- but there's something to be said for making it as fresh as possible. We've been making delicious salads lately, thanks to a generous gift by my dad- a food processor! He got us this one from Sears. I've  been using it to slice radishes, cucumbers, tomatos, peppers & onions for our salads. We buy pre-cut mushrooms (which I hate, and M loves) and using a vinaigrette based salad dressing. We eat salads at least once a day- they're both healthy & filling if they're done right (cutting out creamy dressings, cheese, croutons & other heavy-calorie additions)! We've found a new affinity for red leaf lettuce- it tastes really fresh & stays fresh & crisp for a LONG time. We also love the yoplait light yogurts- we bought 20 of those today!

Anyways- so it was cheat day. We decided to eat regular food mostly, but to splurge on some sweets we'd been craving. I got a single-serve turtle cake, and he got a few donuts- so we split them all down the middle and ate them (ALL) for brunch. I also had some cranberry juice. Juice is a huge weakness of mine & I have nooo concept of moderation with it.  I haven't calculated up our points yet for today & I'm sure it can't be good. But we did have grilled chicken & a little macaroni salad for dinner, so we weren't THAT bad, I guess. We also both had (literally tiny servings, maybe 4 oz each of) a Strawberry daquiri. I think I'm going to skip calculating points for today, and count my calories instead.

OK, so I calculated--- 2,174 Calories today. OUCH.

Anyhow- after we ate DONUTS for lunch, we talked about how we could "feel" our teeth rotting, and felt pretty guilty. I haven't mentioned it to him yet, but I'm thinking maybe we'll only have 1 cheat day per month rather than once a week, because I could see myself wrecking completely off track after a bender like today. Our rules for cheat day were that we'd only buy enough for ONE day of the item we most craved. I think we might have been okay if we'd have split my cake, or even had my cake & he had one or two doughnuts.. but- lesson learned. It's time we were honest about our weight & honest about the crap we put into our bodies, and it was nice to hear him say it made him feel a little sick, too. I was hoping I wasn't the only one- after all, we're trying to shock our bodies into healthier living & eating and now it's probably pretty confused.

I'm anticipating weigh-in on Monday morning- hoping I'll have time to hit the gym tomorrow for my "Last Chance Workout!" (I'm also EAGERLY anticipating quitting smoking. Tonight I bought what should be my last pack!)We're big fans of the biggest loser, and we are currently watching season 5 on Netflix. We don't have cable so we are definitely not current, but it is inspiring nonetheless. We talked about auditioning, but since we have a little one, and only M works outside of the home currently, we didn't think we could afford to go- and at our age we can afford to fix the problem ourselves- even if $250,000 would change our lives completely (We could pay off ALL our debt & buy a home & I could go back to school & we could both get starts on our dream-businesses. It'd be a dream come true!)

I think I previously mentioned us having a dinner party with some members of a church we're thinking of attending. It's scheduled for Monday evening after M gets off work. I've figured out what I'm making, and I plan to calculate the points for it on Sunday so I can make smart choices for breakfast & lunch on Monday. We're having baked lemon pepper chicken, pastaroni, and steamed veggies. We're also going to have side salads, and I may or may not make blueberry muffins. I'm also planning to make tiny strawberry pies in the individual crusts. They come in a pack of 6 and we're having 6 total for dinner- so there won't be any tempting leftovers. I'll be making it with sugar-free jello & splenda in graham cracker crusts, with light whipped cream on top. Hopefully they won't be too devastating on the points- same with the pasta-roni!

Anyway, that's all I've got for tonight! Be well!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Days 4 & 5

So, days 4 & 5 were pretty typical. I stayed within my points & calories both days, and didn't exercise either day. I did clean my whole house & helped my mom straighten hers, and also had a good time visiting with my stepsister & her son. We did some arts & crafts with the kids, which was nice. My mom gave me my mother's day card today- it was very sweet!! I am looking forward to celebrating my first official Mother's Day, but hoping M isn't planning on cooking me a big fat meal! :)

Stepping on the scale is so intimidating to me for some reason, but I plan to weigh in on Monday! I am also still planning on quitting smoking by the 10th, although I may do it a week early.
We're having a dinner party on Monday night and I'm going to cook for us & 4 others, so I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid temptation and still cook something tasty! So far, the plan is salad bar & grilled chicken for all of us. I'm thinking brown rice & veggies on the side would probably be good and fulfilling for everyone, and I'd like to make a dessert too if I can- maybe a pie or something- I haven't figured it all out yet.
We're going grocery shopping tomorrow- M is off & I always prefer to go when he's off, because I like grocery shopping with him! Today was a very tempting day for me- being at my Mom's where she's always got great food is never easy, but I was very proud of myself & my healthy decisions today! I usually drink at least one soda there, and graze on whatever leftovers or munchies she has in her cabinet, but today I had some really good bread (which was not good for the calories/nutrition/points, but definitely filling!) and a turkey sandwich, a few chips & a cheese. I also only drank water while I was there- a plus because it's been SUPER hot here lately! I plan to work out tomorrow, maybe with M or maybe having him keep S while I go. He's not as interested in exercise as I am, because he's not really a flabby guy, and he's got a very physical job. He's just a big guy. Hard to explain!

Anyways, my stats for the last two days are:

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 41
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed:  1410
6/8 glasses consumed. I've really got to step it up on the water, especially in this heat!

no official exercise, but I broke a good sweat cleaning house & playing with S!

Overall Feeling: Good! Very much satisfied with what I ate & how I felt, even despite a small injury to my knee the previous day (aka, my excuse for not working out!)

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 46
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1787
6/8 glasses consumed.I'll probably get the other few in before bed!

again, no actual exercise but I did help my mom clean her house, played with the kids, and spent some time outside.

Overall Feeling: OK, overall. A little bummed with myself for not exercising today, and my food choices today but I think I did well overall.

Hopefully I'll come tomorrow posting about an excellent workout & next week's menu!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 3- Food Cravings & Emotional eating

Today was another great day- a very successful day in my opinion. Here are my stats for today:

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 46
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1644 (219 Burned!)
5/8 glasses consumed. Not so hot on that front today!

Hit the gym for 10 minutes- I barely made it to the gym in time to work out today. I got a great, sweaty workout in anyways. I walked 1 minute, ran 1:30, walked 1, ran 1, walked 1, ran :30, walked 1, ran 1! So 4 minutes of running and 4 minutes of walking! I am bummed that the livestrong calculator calls 4.5 MPH walking though- not so much for someone my height/stature! It's a good paced jog for me. Also, we walked to a local store to pick up a few things today & that took about 20 minutes of leisurely walking, so I counted that as well.

Overall Feeling: Good, for day 3. I'm not as sore or as hungry as I thought I'd be. I really need to kick it up a notch on my fiber & fruit intake, and my water intake. It's been really hot here lately and my body is thirsty!

I wanted to take a minute to talk about emotional eating.. I am guilty of emotional eating & when I do eat out of boredom or stress, I overeat in a huge way. M and I were talking about this tonight, and about how it affects us both. With his job, he doesn't feel like he has time for 3 square meals & 2 snacks a day. (He is also trying to get in better shape with me for similar reasons- mainly because we want to cut our health risks for things we're both genetically predisposed to, so we can be around longer for our family & each other!) Anyhow, M's food problems are not the same as mine, but similar. He's better with eating only at organized meal times, while I prefer to graze throughout the day. I have been eating snacks daily- cheese, yogurt, fruit, jello pudding, and tonight a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. By the way, those things ROCK!!

Back to the point- I am an emotional eater & I tend to have cravings that seem like they're the most important thing in the WORLD at that time. One way I've tried to conquer this is by eliminating unhealthy snacks from our house. We have replaced chips, cookies, sodas & candy with apples, oranges, yogurt & sugar-free, fat-free versions of our favorites. I'm hoping I can work on my emotional eating through therapy & hard work at breaking bad habits. I'm fairly sure if I don't conquer that obstacle in my life, any weight I lose I will gain back if I stop leading a healthy lifestyle.

M and I also talked about some goals & timelines for things in our lives. We've talked many times about having a second child, and I decided tonight that I'd like to be at or under 180 before we conceive again. I also don't particularly want to be pregnant again in the south in the summer time, so we're hoping we can time it right. S will be 1 in August, and I hope to meet my goal by next spring to try to conceive then. It's kind of exciting to have a "plan" for that.

As I've mentioned before, my quit smoking date is May 10th. I am super-excited about this, and I kind of wish I was allowed in my program to quit today. Or yesterday. However, I know that the more time I have, the more I can prepare myself to really quit. I am really nervous that the first week of quitting will be VERY hard for me with eating right. I'm fairly certain it will be a better week for exercise, so I hope it balances out well.I have quit previously using peppermints & gum when I have a craving (yes, I actually WALK outside & have one. I'm thinking a goat trail while chewing gum sounds hazardous but I may give it a try, or maybe I'll turn on some music & dance with S until the craving subsides.

I want to post eventually about the risk factors I keep mentioning & the health problems we're likely to face, and that will likely be a long post. Maybe this weekend?

Until tomorrow, be well!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 2: Treadmills & Turkey Burgers

Today is day 2 of my weight loss & lifestyle change journey- and today is the FIRST day I worked out in this experience! That's right, yours truly laced up her Pumas and went to the gym (the one in my apartment complex).

The gym I have access to has a treadmill, exercise bike, and an elliptical machine. I'm not a fan of the elliptical (yet? Maybe I will become one) so I avoided it & stuck with what I knew. Here's how it went:

I took S in her stroller (which is a jogger BTW- I am hoping to pound the pavement in it more, but it's really hot during the day so it'd be better for evenings I think!) with a few toys, my water bottle, and my house keys. It was the first time I'd set foot in this gym- and I've lived here since October 2010. :S Anyhow, I hopped right on the treadmill & did a small "circuit" (I guess that's what it's called..). I walked for 5 minutes at 2.5 MPH, ran for 1 1/2 minutes at 4.3MPH, walked another 5, ran another minute, then walked for another 2. Then I did the exercise bike for 15 minutes at 9 MPH. Then my legs felt like Jell-o, so I went home!

All in all, I think it was a successful first day. I broke a great sweat & drank 24 oz of water before I even ate breakfast this morning. According to the livestrong calculator- I worked my breakfast off!

I'm having family over tonight for turkey burgers, salad & baked potatoes, so I'm going to go ahead & put all my totals for today, considering what I'll be having for dinner.

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 48
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1818 (burned: 268!)
6/8 glasses consumed (so far, I'll probably get at least 3 more in)

Hit the gym for 30 minutes!

Overall Feeling: Happy, relaxed!

I rewarded myself for going to the gym by taking a nice, long shower and giving myself a pedicure (minus the polish- that'll probably be tomorrow!). I'm going to try to reward myself in small, inexpensive ways for each workout, and I'm going to give myself larger rewards (although hopefully still inexpensive) for completing my first 25, 50, 75, and 100 workouts. As I left the gym today I told the apartment staff "I'll see you tomorrow!" And I plan to stick to that. I have an appointment on Wednesday so I may not make it in that day, but I am going to try.

Also, I wore a Curves Sweat Belt (sounds gross, is gross) during my workout today & I will probably continue to wear it. It's not this exact item but pretty similar: Mine has velcro instead of zippers, so mine's probably an older model or something. I'm not big on the thought that losing water weight is the best way to lose weight (because dehydration is a bad idea!) but I like wearing it for support. I had S via c-section, so I feel like things are still wobbly & loose in my lower abdomen. (Yes, almost 9 months later, it still feels "weird). I would recommend it for anyone looking for mild support after abdominal surgery- but not before your DR gives you the okay to exercise & your incisions are fully healed. Hot sweat + open wounds = gross & sometimes painful!

That's all for now, be well!

**I'm going to have to work on my late night eating & emotional eating.. **

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 1 of Weight Loss- Starting Out on the Right Foot (When you have Two Left Feet)

Well, today was Day one of my eating right/exercising plan!
Here's a quick recap.

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 43

Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1800

6/8 glasses consumed (planning to drink the other 2 before bed!)

no "specific" exercise done today, but I did accomplish 2 loads of laundry & maximum playtime with S :)

Overall Feeling: hungry, but happy that I'm getting started!

How I calculate my points/calorie goals: I think it's important to share how I arrived at the numbers I am using here. I got my calorie goals by plugging in simple information about my weight into the Livestrong program (See link in "My Resources" tab). I set my goal to lose 1.5 lbs per week- and Voila, my goal caloric intake was set for me. As for the weight watcher points, I used the exercise4weightloss tool (also available in "My Resources") and added 7 points since I am partially breastfeeding. (She eats 2-3 meals of solids/ purees per day now, so I don't get the full 14 for exclusively breastfeeding). There is more information about Weight Watchers for nursing moms on the exercise4weightloss page. I hope this information will be helpful to anyone else interested in either program- I am following both so I can see that I am properly nourished to create good breast milk, and as a system of checks & balances for myself- if I make myself track on both, I can always go back and add info into one if forgotten, and to make sure I'm being honest. Sometimes I have better access to my laptop, sometimes I have better access to my iPod (which has a livestrong app!)

So, I'm on target for both my calorie goals & weight watcher points goals, almost there on my water goal, and didn't exercise today. My goal is exercising at least 4 times a week, so that is okay- I have the rest of the week to get some exercise in. I didn't think much about my breakfast, and just ate what I wanted- which happened to be a bowl of cereal with bananas, a little sugar, and milk. I put more thought into my lunch, but in snacking today (Grapes, Strawberries, a granola bar, and 2 Yoplait Light yogurts), I didn't leave myself alot of room for dinner. Luckily I had a "Smart Ones" dinner (by weight watchers- super tasty!) and a salad with vinaigrette dressing. I am somewhat hungry now, so I think I'll have some more water & go to bed once I'm done with this post.

I tend to eat out of boredom, so I think going to bed earlier and doing this blog will help. I'm not sure how it will all go with quitting smoking- I typically chew gum or eat peppermints when I have a craving so I might be totally off on my goals during the first few days or weeks of quitting- hopefully I can manage & find time to exercise and resist the urge to smoke- or stuff my face in lieu of a cigarette.

For a little background- I quit smoking on April 1st and started back April 21st. I'm involved in a program that PAYS people to quit smoking and I am taking advantage of my second chance.. but I only get ONE second chance. This time it has to be for real, for life. I don't want my daughter growing up thinking of me as a smoker, and I'm sick of the smell & dirtiness of it all. I am really motivated to quit, I just had a little slip-up. The program requires a two-week waiting period before your second chance, to allow you to fully prepare yourself for the upcoming quit. I have the potential to earn over $3000, depending on some circumstances- but at least $650 if I stay quit for a full year. I'm very positive that I can do this! My motivation comes from many places, but I can't say I don't want that money with a PASSION!

Anyways, that's about all I have for today- Good Night everyone, and be well!

Blog Purpose

This blog will chronicle my (hopeful) weight loss & life change journey & all the trials & tribulations of losing weight while being a mom.

A little background: I am a Stay-at home mom of a beautiful little girl, let's call her S, and house-wife to my wonderful husband M. I am moderately active, but I've found myself over 100 lbs overweight. I am currently weighing in at 251 lbs and 5'2". I am a smoker (quit date is May 10, 2012!) but I am in otherwise fairly good health.

My reasons for wanting to lose weight (in no particular order) are:
  • To be here for my family for as long as possible- by losing weight I cut my risk of tons of diseases & therefore extend my time with my husband, daughter, and extended family
  • To encourage my child to live a healthy life and make healthy choices
  • To lower my risk of Gestational Diabetes for any future children
  • To enjoy being photographed
  • To prove to myself that I can- I have almost always been overweight & would love to see that change once and for all
  • To enjoy S's childhood- I want to be able to run & play with her at the park, comfortably play with her in the floor, and so on.
  • To feel more attractive (M already thinks I'm attractive, but I'd like to feel better in my own skin)
  • To hopefully improve my health- I have to take medication for asthma, depression & anxiety and I am also currently a smoker. I also have ulcerative colitis which I am not currently on medication for, as it interferes with breastfeeding. I'm hoping I can solve all of these issues by changing my lifestyle & being healthier & more active
  • To wear some of my old clothing- and to lose enough to need to buy new clothing!
  • To save money- I know, weight loss seems very expensive! But I have a gym onsite in my apartment complex, a great walking track, a park with trails, a Wii, and some free time every day. Those things will be free! It's not free to pay for my medications, larger clothing, fast food, smokes, and other medical bills.
So there's 10 good reasons WHY I want to lose weight. Here are a few goals I have in the process (again, in no particular order):
  •  Run a 5K
  • Weigh 175 (or less!)
  • Quit Smoking
  • No longer need asthma medication, and lessen my intestinal issues with proper diet
  • Work on my mental health ( I have a psychiatrist & therapist, I just have to put in the legwork!)
  • Take S to the park & swing on the swings
  • Exercise at least 4 days a week, for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
  • Regularly update my blog, myplate, and keep track of my weight watcher points (I am counting calories as well, since I am breastfeeding and the point allotment seems high!)
  • Buy clothing in size 13/14 and L rather than 20/22 and XXL/XXXL 
I have many more motivations and goals, but I think it helps to see the ones that pop into my head first- those are obviously very important to me and I hope that visualizing them will help!

That's all for right now, I will be posting again tonight about today's experience- Day 1