Friday, May 4, 2012

Days 4 & 5

So, days 4 & 5 were pretty typical. I stayed within my points & calories both days, and didn't exercise either day. I did clean my whole house & helped my mom straighten hers, and also had a good time visiting with my stepsister & her son. We did some arts & crafts with the kids, which was nice. My mom gave me my mother's day card today- it was very sweet!! I am looking forward to celebrating my first official Mother's Day, but hoping M isn't planning on cooking me a big fat meal! :)

Stepping on the scale is so intimidating to me for some reason, but I plan to weigh in on Monday! I am also still planning on quitting smoking by the 10th, although I may do it a week early.
We're having a dinner party on Monday night and I'm going to cook for us & 4 others, so I'm hoping I'll be able to avoid temptation and still cook something tasty! So far, the plan is salad bar & grilled chicken for all of us. I'm thinking brown rice & veggies on the side would probably be good and fulfilling for everyone, and I'd like to make a dessert too if I can- maybe a pie or something- I haven't figured it all out yet.
We're going grocery shopping tomorrow- M is off & I always prefer to go when he's off, because I like grocery shopping with him! Today was a very tempting day for me- being at my Mom's where she's always got great food is never easy, but I was very proud of myself & my healthy decisions today! I usually drink at least one soda there, and graze on whatever leftovers or munchies she has in her cabinet, but today I had some really good bread (which was not good for the calories/nutrition/points, but definitely filling!) and a turkey sandwich, a few chips & a cheese. I also only drank water while I was there- a plus because it's been SUPER hot here lately! I plan to work out tomorrow, maybe with M or maybe having him keep S while I go. He's not as interested in exercise as I am, because he's not really a flabby guy, and he's got a very physical job. He's just a big guy. Hard to explain!

Anyways, my stats for the last two days are:

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 41
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed:  1410
6/8 glasses consumed. I've really got to step it up on the water, especially in this heat!

no official exercise, but I broke a good sweat cleaning house & playing with S!

Overall Feeling: Good! Very much satisfied with what I ate & how I felt, even despite a small injury to my knee the previous day (aka, my excuse for not working out!)

Weight Watcher Points: 
Allotted: 45
Consumed: 46
Live Strong Calories:
Allotted: 1861
Consumed: 1787
6/8 glasses consumed.I'll probably get the other few in before bed!

again, no actual exercise but I did help my mom clean her house, played with the kids, and spent some time outside.

Overall Feeling: OK, overall. A little bummed with myself for not exercising today, and my food choices today but I think I did well overall.

Hopefully I'll come tomorrow posting about an excellent workout & next week's menu!

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